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第一节. 年费


1. 每年7月1日至6月30日会计年度的会费应于每年7月1日向财务主管支付. For the 2022-23 license year, such dues shall be $324.00 for active members, $202.00 for 不活跃的, and $150.00 for judicial members. [Amended March 8, 2022]

2. A member may become an 不活跃的 retired member on a non–dues paying basis by certifying (a) that he/she (i) has been an active member of the 酒吧 of the District of Columbia for five years (two years of any combination of 不活跃的 or judicial membership may be substituted for one year of active membership to satisfy this requirement); (ii) has been engaged in the practice of law in the District of Columbia or elsewhere for a total of twenty-five (25) years; and (iii) has retired from the practice of law (except, 如D所述.C. 应用R. 49(无偿),或(b)他/她完全残疾,因此无法从事法律工作. [Amended February 10, 2020]

b. 任何会费的增加应在理事会采取行动四十五(45)天后生效.


1. Any person who is sworn into the 酒吧 between July 1 and December 31 inclusive shall pay a full year's dues; those members who are sworn in between January 1 and April 30 inclusive shall pay one-half the annual dues. 4月30日以后宣誓就职的会员在下一个财政年度之前不需要缴纳任何会费.

2. 如果成员在一年内从活跃状态变为不活跃状态或司法状态, there shall be no refund of dues. 如果在12月31日或之前将不活跃状态或司法状态更改为活跃状态,则应缴纳全额会费, 如果在该日期之后更改,还应缴纳一半的年费, less any amounts previously paid for that year. 会员如因任何原因辞职或被暂停会员资格,会费将不获退还.

3. 如果成员在该靠谱的滚球平台处于活跃状态以外的任何状态超过五(5)年或更长时间后寻求将状态更改为活跃状态, 该等靠谱的滚球平台应完成哥伦比亚特区专业行为规则和哥伦比亚特区实践课程(“必修课程”或“课程”),并应在申请身份变更时提交完成课程的证明. [Amended September 15, 2020]


第二节. Administrative Suspension for Nonpayment of Dues

a. 如果任何会员的年费在该年的7月15日前未收到, 司库或其代表应立即向会员发出其会费尚未缴纳的通知, that a late charge of $50.00 has been added to the unpaid dues, 并进一步, 除非在9月30日前收到任何未付的滞纳金和未付的会费, the membership of such member shall be, 这是, 根据本节自动被行政停职. 接收日期应以实际收到邮件付款的日期或到期日或之前的邮戳确定, a delivery service or commercial carrier "ship date," the date on a check issued by an online banking service, 会员在正常营业时间内在哥伦比亚特区酒吧总部付款的日期, the date of an online dues payment, 会员将有效信用卡资料传真至本会会员服务中心的日期, or by other means as specified by the 董事会 of Governors. In the event of administrative suspension, 秘书或其代表应将暂停执行的情况通知上诉法院和高级法院的书记员. [Amended May 14, 2018]

b. 新入会会员和复会会员将在入会或复会的同一个月收到年费发票. 如果任何新加入或恢复会员的年费在其初始年费通知之日起六十(60)天后仍未收到, 司库或其代表须向会员发出通知,告知其尚未缴付会费. 如果会员的会费在收到首次年费通知之日起九十(90)天内未收到, 财务主管或其代表须立即向会员发出通知,说明滞纳金$50.00 has been added to the unpaid dues. 除非从最初的年费通知之日起不迟于120天收到会费和滞纳金, the membership of such member shall be, 这是, 根据本节自动被行政停职. 接收日期应以实际收到邮件付款的日期或到期日或之前的邮戳确定, a delivery service or commercial carrier "ship date," the date on a check issued by an online banking service, 会员在正常营业时间内在哥伦比亚特区酒吧总部付款的日期, the date of an online dues payment, 会员将有效信用卡资料传真至本会会员服务中心的日期, or by other means as specified by the 董事会 of Governors. In the event of administrative suspension, 秘书或其代表应将暂停执行的情况通知上诉法院和高级法院的书记员. [Amended April 14, 2015]

第三节. 因不缴纳会费或未注册而被行政吊销执照后恢复营业

a. 根据上述第2 (a)或(b)条因未能缴纳会费或提交注册声明而被行政停职的任何会员,行政总裁应在(i)提交请求后恢复其职务, 以书面形式或通过哥伦比亚特区靠谱的滚球平台协会在其网站上提供的电子方式, for reinstatement; (ii) submission of a registration statement, if suspension was for failure to file such; (iii) payment of dues for the year of reinstatement plus, in lieu of any prior year dues or late charges, a reinstatement fee of $280.00; (iv) submission of certification of completion of the Course on the District of Columbia 规则 of Professional Conduct and District of Columbia Practice, if such attorney was admitted after July 1, 1994, and has not yet completed the course or such attorney has been suspended for five (5) years or more; and (v) submission of a statement that the member is not suspended, 暂停, or disbarred by any disciplinary authority. In all other instances, 理事会可自行决定,并按其认为适当的条款和条件予以恢复. [Amended November 14, 2017]

b. 根据第2 (a)或(b)条因未支付滞纳金而被行政停职的任何成员,如果在发生停职的财政年度的6月30日之前收到恢复职务的请求,则在支付滞纳金后,将恢复其职务. 如果收到因未支付滞纳金而暂停营业的请求是在因滞纳金而暂停营业的财政年度的6月30日之后, 该成员须由行政总裁根据上文第3(a)条复职. 接收日期应以实际收到邮件付款的日期或到期日或之前的邮戳确定, a delivery service or commercial carrier "ship date," the date on a check issued by an online banking service, 会员在正常营业时间内在哥伦比亚特区酒吧总部付款的日期, the date of an online dues payment, 会员将有效信用卡资料传真至本会会员服务中心的日期, or by other means as specified by the 董事会 of Governors. [Amended April 14, 2015]

第四节. Reinstatement of Inactive (Retired) or Resigned Member

a. 根据本条第1 (a)(3)条规定已退休的非活跃会员身份,或根据规则II第7条自愿辞去靠谱的滚球平台协会会员身份的靠谱的滚球平台,应由首席执行官恢复其活跃会员身份, 不活跃的, or judicial membership upon (i) submission of a request, 以书面形式或通过哥伦比亚特区靠谱的滚球平台协会在其网站上提供的电子方式, for reinstatement; (ii) payment of applicable current year dues plus a reinstatement fee of $100 (except that the reinstatement fee is waived for the period July 1, 1999, 至十二月三十一日, 1999); (iii) submission of a statement that the member has not been suspended for cause or disbarred by any disciplinary authority and that there are no complaints or charges against the member pending before any disciplinary authority; and (iv) if the attorney is reinstating to active status, 提交完成哥伦比亚特区职业行为规则和哥伦比亚特区实践课程的证明(必修课程), if such attorney was admitted after July 1, 1994, 并且尚未完成课程,或者该靠谱的滚球平台在五(5)年或更长时间内未成为靠谱的滚球平台协会的活跃会员. In all other instances, reinstatement of a member to active, 不活跃的, 理事会可自行决定,并按其认为适当的条款和条件任命其司法成员. [Amended September15, 2020]

b. Reinstatement of an attorney to D.C. 在满足本节的所有条件之前,靠谱的滚球平台协会的有效会员资格才会生效.

第五节. Admission after Non-Registration

哥伦比亚特区上诉法院靠谱的滚球平台协会的任何成员未能按照规则II在哥伦比亚特区靠谱的滚球平台协会注册, 第二节, 《哥伦比亚特区上诉法院管辖哥伦比亚特区靠谱的滚球平台公会规则》的第2条, upon (i) submission of a signed statement that he/she was unaware of the registration requirements which also meets the requirements of 第三节 of this Article; and (ii) submission of certification of completion of the Course on the District of Columbia 规则 of Professional Conduct and District of Columbia Practice, 在支付年度会费和250美元的注册费后,以良好的信誉注册为会员.00. 该注册自原资格生效之日起追溯有效. 

第六节. Retroactive Reinstatement

If the 董事会 of Governors deems it appropriate, 可根据上述第3条和第4条追溯恢复靠谱的滚球平台的会员资格, as of the date of suspension, assumption of 不活跃的 membership status, or voluntary resignation, 视情况而定. 适用前款规定的适当案件,只有在下列情况下才应当是明显的, assumption of 不活跃的 status, 或因靠谱的滚球平台的错误或疏忽而辞职.

第七节. Special Legal Consultants


8节. Form of Notice; Deadlines

所有发送给会员的通知均应以第一类邮件的形式发送. 邮戳日期晚于通知日期的,以邮戳日期为准. 本协议项下某一日期的截止日期应为下一个正常工作日,该日期可能落在该年份的周末或哥伦比亚特区假日.[2] 3月9日. 2010, 理事会批准将执行董事的职务变更为首席执行官.
